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Pistol Desert Eagle .50 AE - produs de HFC: evaluare şi teste de tir (VIDEO)

vineri, 4 mai 2012

Desert Eagle este, fără îndoială, cel mai mare pistol de pe piata armelor uzuale de azi, lucru valabil si pentru piata replicilor airsoft. Produs de către IMI încă din 1984 în format Real Steel, Desert Eagle a fost de fapt proiectat de firma de cercetare americana Magnum în Mineapolis, Statele Unite ale Americii. Unul dintre cele mai realiste pistoale din airsoft, această versiune HFC, permite o tragere extrem de realista, face un sunet puternic, si de asemenea, trage la o viteza  mai mare de 300 FPS, chiar cu un gaz "de vara". Cu un gaz puternic, viteza ajunge la peste 330 FPS ( peste 100 m/s). Asta e mai mult cu 40 fps decat la modelul similar, conceput Tokyo Marui. Această versiune HFC, este de asemenea, mai mare şi mai "adevărată" (!), decat versiunea Marui pentru Desert Eagle.
Imi face placere sa va aduc la cunostinta ca modelul produs de HFC este la promotie, costand doar 330 RON si vine impreuna cu o cutie de transport metalica, specifica armelor reale!
The Desert Eagle is undoubtedly the biggest handguns on the soft air guns market today. Manufactured by IMI since 1984 in real steel format, the Desert Eagle was actually designed by American firm Magnum Research in Mineapolis, USA. One of the hardest kicking pistols in airsoft, this version by HFC not only kicks hard, makes a loud sound, but also performs at 300fps+ of power! That's 40fps more than the similarly designed Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle. This HFC version is also wider and more true to dimensions to the real Desert Eagle. Durable ABS construction with rubber finishing grips. Metal parts include trigger, abidextrous safety, hammer, slide lock, safety, and removeable full size magazine. Not designed for small hands, this gun packs a menacing kick on each round - making the gun rock and yaw in your hand (feels very impressive). Strong recoil spring means that the slide locks back into place with a very loud and solid slap! Attractive blowback sound is music to your ears. As seen used by Agent Smith in the movie The Matrix. One of the most gratifying pistols to shoot in airsoft to this day! Exactly the same internal design as the more pricey (but lower powered) Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle. Beautiful alumunium pistol case is included with this gun!


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